Active SIGs
Proposed SIGs
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Inactive SIGs
The following are our Active SIGs, to get involved, please sign up for a SIG mailing list here
Biota the Digital Biology ProjectOWorld
Our SIGN on Open Source Virtual Worlds, the people who are constructing them, their vision, applications. OWorld members collaborate with Biota. members on conferences and projects. Sign up for the OWorld discussion list here.
SocioAnthro SIG
Exploring the sociological and anthropological aspects of virtual
our special interest group about virtual worlds in learning, including many pedagogical projects sponsored by the Consortium and its members, including TheU Virtual University. and the VLearn workshops. Sign up for the V-Learn discussion list here.
Weave members engage in discussions about the sometimes unique roles, contributions, and impact made by women in virtual world cyberspace. WEAVE (Women Entering/Enlivening/Engineering Avatar Virtual Environments) is one of the oldest Consortium SIGs. Read about WEAVE on its pages. Sign up for the WEAVE discussion list here.Virtual Worlds and Theater SIG
Join the VW-Theater discussion list and explore the relationshi between 'avatar' inhabited virtual worlds and theater.Architecture of Virtual Worlds SIG
Join the VW-Arch discussion list and explore issues of architecture and design of virtual spacesPsychology of Virtual Worlds SIG
Join the VW-Psych discussion list and explore the psychology of virtual worlds and their communities of citizensLanguage Learning in Virtual Realms SIG
Join the VWLANG discussion list and explore the use of virtual worlds as a language learning tool.Voxpopuli SIG
Join the Voxpopuli discussion list and debate the legal, ethical, constitutional and civic issues emerging in virtual worlds online and the communities that inhabit them.CONTACT Cultures of the Imagination
Our grandfather organization, join anthropologists, space and planetary scientists, science fiction writers, artists and just regular folks with a whole lot of imagination. Engage in exercise constructing simulated worlds and societies and making CONTACT.
Proposed SIGs
Virtual Workspaces
all about the use of these worlds in workAvatar Gaming SIG
all about the merging of gaming and social avatar worlds
Interface and Design SIG
the design of avatars and their worlds
Avvywood SIG
Avatar Realms and Hollywood
Kids in Digital Space SIG
Sherwood Forest Virtual Village, our first SIG, looking for a new Burgemeister and Land Manager.
TheU Virtual University, now that the architecture competition is completed, TheU members have moved to the new VLearn initiative.
Create a SIGIf you would like to create a SIG, email us at with your ideas. We will look over your proposal and let you know if your SIG falls within the mission statement of the Consortium. Be prepared to create a web page, host a mailing list and generally put energy into coordinating and motivating people to join and be active in your SIG. We can provide you with web space, a mailing list and your own mailbox. Sign up for the current SIG Mailing lists and get involved recruiting for your SIG!
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