The VW-Psych Mailing List
The Psychology of Virtual Worlds and Virtual Communities
A mailing list has been established for the subject of the Psychology of Virtual Worlds and the communities that inhabit them. List founder Vernon Reed of U.T. Austin writes:
"This is a mailing list devoted to psychological aspects of Avatar Virtual Worlds, both in-World psychology (whatever that is) and psychology that transfers to Real Life behavior. Since these Worlds provide, in some ways, what can be seen as a new ground for being, we have an unprecedented opportunity to try out new social and psychological strategies, freed from many of the constraints of Real Life. In short, we are witnesses to, and participants in the emergence of a new paradigm for human conciousness, aided and abetted by cybernetic and communications technologies. No one knows where this will lead."
For other food for thought, please see the papers and themes relevant to this list some of which are posted on our hotlink library on virtual worlds in education, the Vlearn3D.org pages and list moderator Dr. John Suler's pages on the Psychology Cyberspace (including that of the Palace) at: http://www.rider.edu/users/suler/psycyber/psycyber.html
To join the VW-Psych mailing list, please take the following simple steps:
- Click here and use our mailman interface to enter your email address (and pick a password).
- Confirmation from your email address is required, to prevent anyone from subscribing you without permission. Instructions will be sent to you at the email address you gave in step 1. Please note that your subscription will not start until you confirm it by replying to this email.
- If you have a problem send an email via our Webmaster.
Posting to the List
VW-Psych is a moderated discussion list, to post simply email vw-psych@lists.ccon.org. If you have a problem posting contact our moderators via our Webmaster.
To UNSUBSCRIBE use our mailman interface as follows. Click on this link and go the bottom of the page to the section "..Subscribers -- To change your subscription.." and enter your email address and press Edit Options. You will then be prompted to enter your subscription password to unsubscribe. If you forgot your subscription password it can be requested to be sent to you by email on the Edit Options page by pressing the button "Email My Password to Me". The extra step of entering your password is to prevent someone from unsubscribing you without permission. If you have a problem you can't resolve by the above methods, please send an email to list moderator via our Webmaster.Setting other personal options
To set other personal options use our mailman interface as follows. Click on this link and go the bottom of the page and enter your email address and press Edit Options. You will then be admitted to the Edit Options page. Scroll down and you will see the options. In order to select and submit these options you will have to enter your password. If you forgot your subscription password it can be requested to be sent to you by email by pressing the button "Email My Password to Me" just above the options. Once you have your password, you can scroll down and change personal settings such as: temporarily disabling mail delivery, setting up the mail to come in a digest mode, getting mail in MIME or plain text digests, receiving posts you send to the list or not, receiving acknowledgement mail when you send mail to the list, or concealing yourself from subscriber list or not.
To see the past archives for this list, go to this page.
Please send any comments to Nancy Zuidema
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