San Francisco
Oct 26 and 27, 1996
Welcome to Earth to Avatars!
Face to Face with the FutureWelcome to Earth to Avatars, Contact Culture and Community in Digital Space, the first annual conference of the Contact Consortium. The Contact Consortium was formed in early 1995 to serve as a catalyst and driving force for the transformation of the Internet into a medium for human contact. We will soon pass beyond the stage when the World Wide Web was considered to be the Internet. The Net is about to return to its roots as a tool for communication and community.
What, you might be asking, could possibly be beyond the Web?. The future face of cyberspace is right in front of us, it is people on the Internet!
At Earth to Avatars, you will personally participate in the launch of a new medium of human contact: Avatar Cyberspace. In the new Millennium, millions of people will use this new medium to communicate, work, learn and be entertained. However, there are many challenges ahead of us to create virtual worlds that people will want to call home (and office). We would like to welcome you to our conference, and invite you to become a pioneer of the New Cyberspace.
See you at E2A!
Bruce Damer
Conference Program Chair
Boulder Creek, CA, October 16, 1996
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