San Francisco
Oct 26 and 27, 1996
Conference Guide
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Conference Highlights
Program-at-a-Glance Sessions
Detailed Program Book
List of Speakers
Welcome Message
Saturday Grid and Sunday Grid
Late Additions to the Program!
Conference Highlights
Locations and Times
Opening Keynote/Metropolitan III: Saturday, 9:00am to 9:50am
Great Debate and Closing Keynote/Metropolitan III: Sunday, 2:30pm to 5:00pm
Main Program Track/Franciscan I,II: Saturday, 10:00am to 5:30pm, Sunday, 9:00am to 2:15pm
Grande Tour of Worlds/Franciscan III: Saturday, 10:15am to 5:00pm; Sunday, 9:00am to 2:15pm
Special Programs/Olympic: Saturday, 1:00pm to 5:30pm, Sunday, 9:00am to 2:15pm
Birds-of-a-Feather/Concordia: Saturday, 1:30pm to 5:00pm; Sunday, 9:00am to 2:15pm
Avatar Standards and BOF/Metropolitan III: Saturday, 10:00am to 1:30pm, Sunday 9:00am to 2:00pm
Exhibits/City and Cornell: Saturday, 10:00am to 5:00pm, Sunday 10:00am to 2:00pm
Out of this World Art Gallery/Commonwealth: Saturday, 10:00am to 5:00pm, Sunday 10:00am to 2:00pm
Press Reception/Foyer, City: Saturday, 5:30pm to 7:00pm
SGI/Black Sun Interactive Grande Avatar Social/Franciscan I,II: Saturday 7:30 (cocktails), 8:00-11:30 (party)
CCon-VeRGe-nce Post Conference Bash: Sunday 6:00-8:00 (cocktails) at 654 Mission St.
Program-at-a-Glance Sessions
Track Sessions Special Programs Avatar Standards Saturday
Opening and Keynote
What to do with a World?
VRML 2.0 Workshop
Designing Interfaces
Virtual Worlds as Theater
The Galactic Edge
Digital Communities
Worlds in Our Future
Virtual Worlds in Marketing
The Great Debate
Closing Keynote, E2A 1997
Art of Electronic Community
Cyberspace Rants
Birds-of-a-FeatherLiving Worlds Avatar Constitution
Virtual Worlds for LearningTheU virtual university 3d learning environments VRML for classes/labs
Worlds for Gaming/Roleplay
Kids in Digital Space
Birds-of-a-FeatherBridging Physical/Virtual Bot BOF Saturday
Avatar Standards Track I
The Philosophical Dimension The Human Dimension Additional Views
Avatar Standards Track II
The Technological Dimension Avatar BOF
Earth to Avatars Conference Program
Saturday, October 26, 1996
Main Program TrackOpening and Keynote Addresses
Introduced by Bruce Damer, Contact Consortium
9:00am to 9:50am, Metropolitan IIIPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Mark Pesce
- Tony Parisi, Intervista
What in the World do you do with a World?
Applications of Virtual Environments
Dave Marvit, Industry Pioneer
10:00am to 11:30am, Franciscan I/IIPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Maclen Marvit, Worlds Incorporated
- Randy Farmer, Electric Communities
- Mark Pesce
- Brett Leonard, Director, IS?TV
- Steve DiPaola, Onlive Technologies
VRML 2.0 Workshop
Hosted by Construct Internet Design
12:15am to 2:15am, Franciscan I/IIPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Mark Meadows, John Shiple, Michael Gough or Mark Lawton
Designing Interfaces for Virtual Worlds
Hosted by Nathan Wagoner, Ducksoup Information Design
2:30pm to 3:45pm, Franciscan I/IIPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Andrea Gallagher, Worlds Incorporated
- Sang Mah, LifeForms
- Stuart Gold, Contact Consortium, Bauer Gold and Associates
Virtual Worlds as Theater
Hosted by Mark Petrakis, Electric Minds
4:00pm to 5:30pm, Franciscan I/IIPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Brenda Laurel, Interval Research
- Ioannis Paniaras, New Media Center/Media Lab, University of Art & Design, Helsinki, Finland
- John Sanborn
- Paul Godwin, New Dog Music and WorldSong,
- Elisa Lodge
Saturday Special Programs Avatar Standards Track I
Moderated by Bernie Roehl, University of Waterloo, Virtual Humans Architecture Group
10:00am to 1:30pm, Metropolitain IIITrack I Modules A Primer is available here in advance of these discussions.
Please see the detailed summary and speaker bios
Track I Participants
Participants From Universal AvatarsParticipants From Living Worlds
- Moses Ma, Velocity
- Abbott Brush, IBM
- Dan Greening, Chaco Communications
- Maclen Marvit, Worlds Incorporated
Participants Voicing Additional Views from the Community
- Kirk Parsons, Black Sun Interactive
- Representative from Sony to be confirmed
- Mitra, Paragraph International
The discussions can be continued in the Concordia room from 1:30 to 5pm at the option of the moderator.
- Scott McLaine, 3rd Dimension
- Greg Oberfield, Fujitsu Software Corporation
- Steve Lane, KATrix Inc.
The Art of Electronic Community
Hosted by Cliff Figallo, GNN/Virtual Places/AOL
1:00pm to 2:00pm, OlympicPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Cliff Figallo, GNN, (formerly of The WeLL)
- Evelyn Pine, Community Memory Project, (formerly of The WeLL)
- Gail Williams, The WeLL
Webcasting as a Shared Experience for Virtual Community
Hosted by Kitty Wells, Re·Source Partnership
2:00pm to 3:30pm, OlympicPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Frank Schwartz, IS?TV
- Brett Leonard, IS?TV
- Jon Fox, Mediacast
- Other Speaker TBA
Cyberspace Rants BOF
Alternate Protocols for the Metaverse
Host To Be Announced
3:45pm to 5:30pm, OlympicPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Marc DeGroot, Immersive Systems
- Other speakers TBA and based on sign-ups
Saturday Birds-of-a-Feather (BOFs)
Discussions on various topics in the virtual realm
Saturday, 1:30 to 5:00pm, ConcordiaPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- The Living Worlds Proposal
Presentation and discussion1:30pm to 2:30pm
- Avatar Cyberspace Constitution Talks
3:00pm to 5:00pm
Sunday, October 27, 1996
Main Program TrackThe Galactic Edge
A special program of Biota.org
Hosted by Bruce Damer, Biota.org
9:00am to 10:00am, Franciscan I/IIPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Todd Goldenbaum and John Shiple, Gever Tulley, Construct Internet Design
- Charles Ostman
- Tony Parisi, Intervista
- Marty Stoneman, Anthrobotics
Digital Communities and Culture
Co-hosts and contributors: Wendy Sue Noah, Kitty Wells
10:15am to 11:15am, Franciscan I/IIPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Linda Stone, Microsoft
- Jim Bumgardner, The Palace, Incorporated
- Judith Rubin, Fujitsu
The Worlds in our Future
Hosted by Mitra, Paragraph International
11:30am to 12:45pm, Franciscan I/IIPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- C. Scott Young, VRML Knight
- Michael Hilgenberg, IDS
- Other speakers TBA
Virtual Worlds in Marketing and Electronic Commerce
Hosted by Adrian Scott, Aereal
1:00pm to 2:15pm, Franciscan I/IIPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- David Colleen, Planet 9 Studios
- Kris Hagerman, Bigbook
- Michael Tchong, CyberAtlas
The Great Debate: Why are we doing this?
Hosted by Bruce Damer, Contact Consortium
2:30pm to 3:45pm, Metropolitan IIIPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Bonnie Nardi, Apple Computer
- Maclen Marvit, Worlds Incorporated
- Konstantin Guericke, Black Sun Interactive
- Reid Hoffman, Fujitsu Software Corporation
- Alexander Besher, writer, author of Rim, Novel of Virtual Reality
Closing and Invitation to E2A 1997
Hosted by Bruce Damer, Contact Consortium
4:00pm to 5:00pm, Metropolitan IIIPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Bruce Damer
- John Sculley, CEO, Live Picture
Sunday Special Programs Avatar Standards Track II
Moderated by Bernie Roehl, University of Waterloo, Virtual Humans Architecture Group
9:00am to noon, Metropolitan IIITrack II Modules
Please see the detailed summary and speaker bios
Track II Participants
- Representative members from Living Worlds
- Representative members from Universal Avatars
- Additional members of the general community
Avatar Standards Birds-Of-a-Feather (BOF)
Moderated by Timothy Childs, VeRGe/Curve Inc.
12:30pm to 2:00pm, Metropolitan IIISpeakers from Living Worlds, Universal Avatars proposals, Bernie Roehl of the Virtual Humans Architecture Group, and other participants from the general community will be on hand to address questions from the audience in an open microphone format. Please see the detailed summary and speaker bios
Virtual Worlds for Learning
Individual virtual worlds projects in support of education
Sunday, 9:00am to 11:00am, OlympicPlease see the detailed summaries of these presentaions and speaker bios
- TheU, a Virtual University, by Stuart Gold, Bauer Gold and Associates
9:00am to 9:30am
- 3D immersive environments for learning, by David Traub
9:30am to 10:00am
- VRML spaces for virtual classrooms and laboratories, by Tim Riley, Josh Draper, dFORM
10:15am to 11:00am
Sunday Birds-of-a-Feather (BOFs)
Discussions on various topics in the virtual realm
Sunday, 9:00am to noon, ConcordiaPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Peter Rosen on Bridging Physical and Virtual Worlds BOF
New Schools for the Next Millennium9:00am to 10:00am (time subject to change)
- John Barrows, The Blue Wolf Network, Keith Cooley, Coolware Inc. host a Bot BOF
10:15am to noon (time subject to change)
Worlds for Gaming and Fantasy Role Playing
Hosted by Rusel DeMaria, DeMaria Studios
11:00am to 12:30pm, OlympicPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- Fabrice Florin, Zenda
- Mike Sellers, The 3DO Company
- Craig Alexander, Steve Nichols, Sierra Online
- Gano Haine, MPath Interactive
- Johnny Wilson, Computer Gaming World Magazine
- Eric Twelker, Sierra On-Line
Kids in Digital Space
Hosted by Larry Kay, Toonsmiths
1:00pm to 2:30pm, OlympicPlease see the detailed summary and speaker bios
- David Fox, Liveworld Productions
- Vicki O’Day, Mark Shirley, Xerox PARC
- Speakers from Starwave/Castle Infinity
- David Vronay, ImaginEngine Corp.
Grande Tour of Worlds The Grande Tour of Worlds will consist of 30 minutes of dedicated tours of virtual environments by the companies who have created them. 15 minutes will be available for introductions, questions and set-up. For links to tour participant websites see our Sponsors Page.
Saturday Tour Participants Tour Time Products to be demonstrated NTT Software 10:15-11:00am Interspace Cybercampus Microsoft 11:00-11:45am V-Chat, Comic Chat Black Sun 11:45-12:30pm CyberHub, PointWorld Worlds Incorporated 12:30-1:15pm WorldsChat, AlphaWorld The Palace Incorporated 1:15-2:00pm The Palace 3D Labs 2:00-2:45pm Permedia VRML Accelerators OnLive! 2:45-3:30pm Traveler Intel 3:30-4:15pm IDMoo ITU Research 4:15-5:00pm TouchCube
Sunday Tour Participants Tour Time Products to be demonstrated Chaco Communications 9:00-9:45am Pueblo Fujitsu Software Corporation 9:45-10:30am WorldsAway America Online 10:30-11:15am Virtual Places Silicon Graphics, Inc. 11:15-12:00am Oobe 3rd Dimension 12:00-12:45pm To Be Announced Oz Interactive 12:45-1:30pm Oz Virtual IDS 1:30pm-2:15pm V-Realm Guide to Exhibits Table-top exhibits will be hosted in the conference area for both days to allow in-depth demonstrations and familiarization with tools, virtual worlds or services offered by sponsoring organizations. TBA means that products or services will be announced at conference time. For links to sponsor websites see our Sponsors Page.
Exhibitor Product Type Announcement/Major Product to be demonstrated 3D Labs Tools, 3D Accelerator Hardware Permedia 3rd Dimension PhotoTextured Avatar Models Come and have your avatar made! America OnLine World Virtual Places Black Sun World CyberHub, CyberGate Chaco/Mitsubishi World Pueblo 2.0/TBA Closer Look and VREAM, Inc. Tools TBA and VRCreator Coryphaeus Tools Avatar builder Fujitsu World WorldsAway 2.0, Dreamscape IDS Tools and World VRML Authoring System, V-Realm ImaginEngine Tools, technology Avatar designer Intel World ID-Moo ITU Research Interface Technology TouchCube KATrix Tools, technology TBA Live Picture/RealSpace Tools, technology TBA Microsoft Worlds, Technology V-Chat, Comic Chat NTT Software Worlds, Technology Interspace CyberCampus OnLive! Worlds, Technology Traveler Oz Interactive Worlds, Technology Oz Virtual, TBA Silicon Graphics Tools, Technology Cosmo authoring system, The "oobe" The Palace Worlds, Technology The Palace server, client Paragraph Tools Home Space Builder, TBA Out of this World Art Gallery A small gallery will feature artists making expression in the virtual worlds medium.
Commonwealth room, Saturday: 10:00am to 5:00pm, Sunday 10:00am to 2:00pmArtists
- C Scott Young: VRML Homeworlds
- Steven Hanly, Roger Zuidema, Wolf Read: Project Epona
- Frank Revi
- Karen Marcelo, Intervista
- Web Design Group - Lisa 3 Project
The Grande Avatar Social The Grande Avatar Social is a special evening event sponsored by Silicon Graphics and Black Sun Interactive. Attendance is included in full conference registrations and is available to all speakers and sponsoring organizations. Others may attend the party only by prior arrangement with the sponsors or by purchasing tickets for $15.00 in advance. More details will be posted here soon.
Come and be part of the Avvy Awards Avatar Contest!
Press Programs and Reception Press Reception is from 5:30pm to 7:00pm in the Foyer and City Exhibit room on the mezzanine floor. Camera crews will be supported by Consortium Conference staff by advance arrangements.
CCon-VeRGe-nce Post Conference Bash
Sunday 6:00-8:00 (cocktails) at 654 Mission St.Hosted by VeRGe at the offices of Curve Incorporated just across the street from the ANA Hotel, this post conference bash will run from 6:00pm on. Coctails and snacks will be served. Just walk out of the ANA and turn left on Mission, entering at the Cyborganic/Curve offices at 654 Mission Street. The telephone number there is: (415) 882-9288.
(c) Copyright 1996 Contact Consortium, All Rights Reserved.