V A T A R S 9 9 Colonizing Cyberspace
The 4th annual conference of the Contact Consortium will take place
LIVE on the
Internet Saturday, Dec 4th, 1999, all day, all time zones.
Information on
virtual booth space, speaking opportunities, art show participation is
available at
To celebrate the emergence
of Inhabited virtual worlds, the true frontiers of
life online as we move into the next millennium, the Contact Consortium
hosting the next installment of its annual conference inside virtual by
you on a magical mystery tour of worlds and introducing you to the colonists
these new spaces.
The online conference will
also be presenting a tradeshow with exhibits, an art
gallery, a webcasting wall, surprise events, and a lineup of world renowned
speakers in virtual discussion rooms.
Avatars are your visual identity
in Cyberspace, a new kind of Cyberspace: 3D
virtual worlds inhabited by real people in real time. Since 1995, thousands
worlds inhabited by hundreds of thousands of people have been built. These
worlds contain cities, art galleries, storyspaces, businesses collaboration
areas, virtual universities, and cybermalls.
Avatars99, hosted by the Contact
Consortium is being produced by Digital Space.
The Contact Consortium is the first global organization focused on inhabited
virtual spaces on the Internet The non-profit Consortium supports special
interest groups, holds conferences, sponsors research and papers, and
serves as
a catalyst for this new medium.
DigitalSpace was the first
company established to catalyze and capitalize on
the rise of graphical shared spaces on the Internet. Cyberspace is evolving
beyond the static two dimensional interfaces of the Web and text-based
communities to full 3D virtual worlds inhabited by vibrant communities
interest. As our clients have found since 1995, DigitalSpace is the best
to the front edge of innovation in virtual worlds.
For more information on Av99,
please check out the Contact Consortium website
at or contact Bruce
Damer via email at
via our Webmaster.
Avatars99 is being produced
for the Contact Consortium by:
Have Avatar will travel!
Conference Coordinator