See our Guide
to the Gallery!
including clickable teleport map

Scene from this year's
much more avante garde gallery picturing curator/builders Jupytr and Killamo
is closed, but
See how the Gallery Was Put Together

Scene from last year's
Out of This World Art Gallery is Calling You..
Ever wanted to have a real art
opening in cyberspace where you attract crowds and can stand by your work
just like being a real gallery? Want to go beyond a simple "put them
on a web page and hope people visit" approach? Well then you should
hang your works in the Out of This World Art
Gallery (OOTWAG) at Avatars99,
a 3D virtual gallery with your work or works hung on the walls while guests
mill around in 3D cyberpersonae called "avatars". The show will
open on December 4th and run for one day (we will leave it up for
a few weeks afterward for informal visits). This year's gallery is being
curated by Jupytr,
an Active Worlds citizen and creator of some of the finest art spaces
in virtual worlds including the innovative Zero
kind of works are we looking for?
Well, just about anything from traditional painting, sculpture, line art
to computer generated pieces. At our 1996
and 1997 and 1998
conferences, the OOTWAG featured works that depicted some vision for virtual
worlds or cyberspace. Artists can show us a bolder
and higher fidelity vision than we
can make make real in the virtual worlds of today.
do I need to do to submit my works?
Well, it is pretty simple really to be make an entry to the show.
Any work can be submitted as a scanned image, which must be in the JPEG
format and optimally 60K bytes or less. This means a lot of compression
and some loss of quality but it does mean that the public will be able
to see your work in this unique setting. We prefer that you have your
JPEG file at your own website address. Next you must fill
out the form and submit your works. Curator Paul Klee and the
committee will consider your submission and get back to you. There are
a limited number of artists who can be accommodated a maximum of 3 works
per artist will be featured.
Got Problems?
If you are having
problems or questions, send a brief email to curator
Avatars99 and the gallery
To visit our first prototype gallery itself, you must download and install
Active Worlds, which runs on
Windows PC's only (sorry !). If you want to organize a show in another
of the Avatars99 platforms, please let us know. We have resources
only to create a gallery in Active Worlds, which was chosen because of
its easy building in a 3D environment. To visit the gallery on the big
day, December 4th, download and install Active Worlds from http://www.activeworlds.com
and then enter the AV99 world in Active Worlds, following the directions
"to Art Galleries" and the AV99ART world .There, an index
page and in-world directory will help you find your art. If you want a
tour of the gallery before then, contact curator
Instructions and Conditions
Please try to have your art
submitted by 10:00am Pacific Standard Time on December 1st so we can test
it in the gallery space in AV99ART. On Saturday Dec 4th, 1999 your artwork(s)
will be on display during Avatars99, the first
conference of and in Cyberspace.
By submitting your art you
agree to have an image or images from it reproduced on the website of
the Contact Consortium (http://www.ccon.org).
If you provided a home page address for each artwork, we will provide
links back to your home page for guests who click on your art or signage
in the world.
Please sign up on the Avatars
mailing list for news of Avatars99 at:
for news of the art show or other Avatars99 conference events.
Please Note: this is a public
open space event, people may take pictures!
Each artist owns their own copyrights but should understand that this
is a public showing, and that visitors may take screen shots of your works
on display. This is akin to visitors taking pictures at a 'real world'
open space gallery and users may take away visual mementos in their rolls
of virtual film. We will label your works with your name so that proper
credit will appear to the public.

here to see the layout options in more detail
What we need from
you in the form below is:
- Your name as you would
like it to appear on a title plate on your display area, like (4)
in the above example.
- Your
affiliation if any.
- The web URL to your homepage
or web-based gallery which we can link to your works.
This will be linked to your title plate (4).
- Your email address so we
can contact you.
- The URL Web addresses of
up to three JPEG"thumbnail" images of your work less than
60K each and no more than 256 pixels in height or width (128 pixels
will work better for more users). These will be placed on the panels
in the example above at (1, 2 and
- Web addresses for each of
the up to three images. These will link back to a specific location
containing a higher resolution version of your artwork might or some
web page containing further description of the piece (more on this below).
- The short title of each
work in 24 characters or less to appear on the panels at (5,
6, and 7) and on pop-up
text panels that appear when visitors hold their mouse over your works
(see an example above).
Submission is Closed, see you in AV99Art