A v a t a r s 9 8
Big Board Speaker Schedule |
Attendees! Some marvelous talks and discussions are listed briefly below -- talks happening in the AV98 world at specially constructed Speaker Pods, and happening in other virtual locations, as noted. This is a lively endeavor and subject to frequent changes; consequently, this page is updated frequently -- hit "Reload" whenever you check in. Most speakers have an individual page as well (click the speaker's name) where you'll find much more information.
Speakers! Please check all the
summary information below, and check your individual page as well. As individual pages are completed, links will be added
so you can access your own personal page from here. Please send your changes/corrections
as soon as possible by email. Thank you!
Art & Science of Community
Direct Teleport
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Speaker Pod 1, AV98 [30N 26.75E 290]
8am-10 PST
AW and
Blaxxun CCPro (in Virtual Worlds, Real Place, French Quarter, House Aldebaran) |
Claude Lattaud ("Rasalgethi")
Laboratoire d'Intelligence Artificielle de
Paris5 (LIAP5) |
Artificial Life in Virtual Worlds: introduction to Artificial Life methods in
general, and for virtual worlds in particular.
Lattaud will endeavor to conduct this discussion in two worlds simultaneously: the Active Worlds discussion will occur in English, the Blaxxun discussion in French.
11a-12:15p PST
solo talk
Steve DiPaola ("steveD")
Former Dir. of Design, Onlive! Traveler |
Characters on the Internet: From avatars to web bots: from technical, social and design aspects of OnLive! Traveler, to how new virtual
character systems are revolutionizing communication and UI aspects of
commercial based web site design.
10a-12n PST
group - AW |
Gerald de Jong
"strucky" inworld
Beautiful Code BV |
Evolving Avatars: Elastic Interval Geometry and the evolution
of virtual creatures. |
12n-1:30 PST
panel discussion
AW |
Brandeis University |
Sociology and Anthropology of
Virtual Worlds: Diverse session that will explore
various topics related to the sociology and anthropology of
virtual worlds. Hosted by the S/A SIG of the Consortium
with several group members presenting their current
12N -1 PST
Blaxxun CCPro |
Mark Pesce
University of Southern California |
The Line For Goofy: Dromomania and the Virtualized Self: an ironic, comical talk about a recent trip to Walt Disney World and how I came to understand the true nature (and failure) of the avatar in a world where the self and its basic needs are supplanted. |
1-2 PST
group - Onlive! |
Vernon Reed
"Kahuna" inworld
ACTLab, U of Texas |
Being Multiple: Distributed Subjectivity in Cyberspace. Implications
of digital embodiment for evolution of subject stance. |
2-3 PST
presentation - Onlive! |
Vernon Reed
"Kahuna" inworld
ACTLab, U of Texas |
Cyberspatial Poetic Transmissions: Real-time, cutting-edge poetry in Traveler space, with poets using Traveler
features to enhance the theatrical nature of the readings. |
2-3 PST
group - AW |
Ken Bryson
"Sundancer" inworld
Credo Interactive Inc |
Life Forms - Avatar Movement Maker: Using Life Forms 3, making new moves for
your avatars is fast, easy, and creatively unlimited! |
5p-6 PST
group - AW |
Hannes Vilhjalmsson
Media Lab, MIT |
Embodied Conversation: by making chat graphical, we are adding a non-verbal channel to our on-line conversations.
Educators' Track
Direct Teleport
Teleport Instructions
Speaker Pod 2, AV98 [27.5N 31.25W]
[And see Contact Consortium Board member, Bonnie DeVarco's compilation of current educational projects in virtual worlds: www.cruzio.com/~devarco/av98edu.htm.]
11am-12n PST
group - AW
Margaret Corbit
Cornell Theory Center |
SciCentr: Founding a Science Museum in Active Worlds |
12n-1p PST
panel discussion
Virtual Students Panel
four US universities |
Student teams at four universities discuss their pioneering ventures into cybercampus creations. UC Santa Cruz, U of Texas (Austin), Art Center College of Design (Pasadena), and Cornell University Theory Center students offer guideposts to trailblazers. |
1-2 PST
solo - AW
Derrick Woodham
"Derrick W" inworld
School of Art, U of Cincinnati
Evolution of D.A.A.P. as an educational site and exhibition
world for sculpture |
2-3 PST
debate - AW |
Michael Heim
"ommm" inworld
Art Center College of Design |
Virtual Realism -- Why should virtual worlds have gravity;
can't function stimulate fantasy? |
4-5 PST
solo - AW
Lucio Pascarelli
"Lucio" inworld
Communications Support Unit
Food&Agriculture Org., U.N. |
Building Natural Looking Virtual Worlds:
Virtual Worlds may aid cross-culture
communication and ease the bandwidth crunch in developing
countries. In applying AW technology in the world,Virtualy, Lucio has focussed
on automated world construction with an
ergonomic, natural look.
Designing Worlds Worth Visiting
Direct Teleport
Teleport Instructions
Speaker Pod 3, AV98 [27.6N .5W]
10am-11 PST
group - AW
Riccardo Antonini
Consorzio Roma Ricerche
host, NetFuture Forum, SF |
Amusement: "An international virtual space for individual and collective presence and interaction" -- implementing the evolutionary model of a memetic ecosystem where the avatar behaviors, actions, and moods affect the Amusement scenes and games. |
11am-12N PST
debate - AW
Glen Kurtz
Stanford, New Media professor
host, NetFuture Forum, SF |
The Internet is Full of Junk (and there's no such thing as
"content"): the goal of a site should be functionality, not "content." |
1-2 PST
group - WorldsAway
Tim Lavalli
WorldsAway, Fujitsu; inworld manager Dreamscape, Club Connect, etc. |
Commercial Aspects of Virtual Worlds: Having a community,
not speculating about building one. What's it like to be god? |
2-3 PST
solo - AW |
Juliann Krute
Pensive Angel Productions |
Protecting Your Rights: Is that Copyright yours? Who really
owns your work, and who has the right to use it? |
2-3 PST
group - AW |
Roland Vilett
"Roland" inworld
Circle of Fire Studios, Inc. |
Active Worlds Technology: a brief history, an assessment of
where we currently stand, and a peak at plans for the future. |
3-4:20 PST
group - AW |
Erik Hill
"Erik" inworld |
Building in Active Worlds: Making a place worth visiting,
and helping people find it. |
Time to be clarified
(4.5 hours)
group - AW
Keiran Birmingham
"groove!" inworld
11-yr-old world builder
Building and Advanced Building: Keiran and his friends teach
AW newcomers how to build. |
The Virtual Workspace
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Teleport Instructions
Speaker Pod 4, AV98 [29S 31.25W]
12-4pm PST
group - The Palace |
Bob Jacobson
"Cyberoid" inworld
author/ed. "Information Design" |
Beyond "VR": Building Public Support for Our Work |
12-1:15pm PST
solo talk
World Unspecified |
Sanjin Jukic
Artist, Virtual Vienna |
Virtual Worlds and Art |
1-2 PST
solo - AW |
Richard Wojcik
Associate Technical Fellow
Boeing Applied Research & Tech |
The Virtual Corporation: Can virtual worlds technology serve
the needs of large business communities? |
2:15 - 5:15 PST
group - AW |
W. Wes Horlacher
consultant in online/interactive multimedia |
Establish Your Unique Place in Cyberspace: Don't let "thinking
outside the box" merely land you in a different box. |
Avatars at Play
Direct Teleport
Teleport Instructions
Speaker Pod 5, AV98 [1N 31W]
day PST
group - AW
Larry Kay
Toonsmiths; computer game designer, media producer |
Kids in Worlds for Kids: designing directed recreational experiences
for kids in forthcoming kid-inhabited worlds and sites. |
2-5 PST
group - Blaxxun CCPro
Andy Best & Merja Puustinen
Meetfactory |
A Conversations with Angels Book Launch Party! and Treasure
Hunt! [not exactly a speaking engagement, but engaging, nonetheless] |
Voices from the Communities
Direct Teleport
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Speaker Pod 6, AV98 [32.75S 27E 270]
10a-12n PST
group - AW |
Robin Sircus
"LightRobin" inworld
The Marriage of Souls |
Going Into the Light of Group Consciousness Online: general
discussion of the art of pure communication. |
11a-3p PST
RockRoll in AW |
Maxim Gorelik
"HolyDiver" inworld |
Music on the Internet in in Virtual Worlds: fan clubs and
support groups on the Internet and RockRoll in AW. |
12n-2p PST
interview AW |
Jeremy S Gluck Director, Spiritech
UK |
Spirituality and Technology in Cyberspace: The Transparent
Revolution: the emergence of spirutuality and technology in cyberspace. |
2-4 PST
group - AW |
Kathy Taylor
"ScarlettT" inworld |
Communicating World Wide: discussion of the way in which people
have come together through sites like Active Worlds. |
4-5 PST
presentation 30min, group 30min
- AW |
Jm Valera & J.R. Manes
Former OnLive! employees |
Death of the Poly: focuses on the decline in membership of online worlds after a period of time. |
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