Avatars 97 Presenter Information:
Letter from the Chair
Dear Avatars 97 speaker, coordinator, or artist, Here is more important information on the upcoming conference and your part in it. o CONTACTING YOUR PANELISTS or CO-PRESENTERS o BRING YOUR BIO! o YOUR A/V o REGISTRATION, PROGRAM and DIRECTIONS TO THE CONFERENCE o HOTELS o YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A PRESS STATEMENT o KEY THEMES TO CONSIDER: your place in the history of Cyberspace CONTACTING YOUR PANELISTS or CO-PRESENTERS If you are coordinating a panel or would like to reach anyone else in your session and do not have email contact for them, let us know and we will connect you. We encourage correspondance between your co-presenters or coordinator as this makes for a much more integrated session. Of course, many of you know each other already! The Full Program details are posted at: http://www.ccon.org/conf97/program/prbook.html BRING YOUR BIO! Your bios are posted on our website at: http://www.ccon.org/conf97/program/speakers.html Please bring your bio with you so that panel coordinators can read them off to introduce you to the audience. You can find your bio by clicking on your name. Once you have found your bio, just print the current page out and bring it along. If your bio is not posted, please send it to us and bring along a copy. Panel coordinators can also bring up their presenter's bios through this web page. YOUR A/V Thank you all for responding to the A/V questionnaire. If you have not already, please return this or respond to this email with your A/V needs. REGISTRATION, PROGRAM and DIRECTIONS TO THE CONFERENCE If you have not done so, please register yourself for the conference by visiting: http://www.ccon.org/conf97/regform.html and filling in our form (check off the minimum $35 fee if you would like the lunch/event ticket package). We must receive this by Monday at 5pm or your badge may not be available when you check in. The main conference registration period is 10am to 1pm Wednesday October 22. Please visit rooms 8/9 on the second floor of the conference building (see directions below). If you are arriving Thursday or Friday, come to room 2604 on the 26th floor to pick up your package and badge. Sessions begin at 1:00pm Wednesday. 7pm Wednesday evening will be our opening plenary panel at the Yerba Buena Gardens Theater in conjunction with the NTT New Media Minds Forum. This is at a different location than the conference. It is several blocks away (walking distance) at: 3rd and Howard. For a full guide to the program, see: http://www.ccon.org/conf97/program/progrids.html The conference is being held on two floors of an office tower in Downtown San Francisco. This is the SFSU Multimedia Studies Program. For directions and a map (and public transportation directions), see: http://www.ccon.org/conf97/location.html Briefly, by car: From 101N, get off at Fifth Street/Bryant, and go east on Bryant. Left on 3rd Street, going north on 3rd. Right on Mission Street, eastward. From the Bay Bridge, take the first exit into San Francisco, turn left and travel north on Fremont. You may want to turn right on Mission and right again at the next block to swing around to the ample parking lots, then walk to the conference building at 425 Market on Fremont. Parking: Park at Mission and Fremont or in that general area. There are a lot of parking lots at Bryant and Fremont under the Bay Bridge approach. After you park, walk north on Fremont street. 425 Market will be one block north of the Mission/Fremont intersection, on your left. If you're using the 425 Market garage directly under the building (this is more expensive), go left onto Fremont from Mission, and look left for a black sign that says SFSU Multimedia Studies Program and turn left into the ramp to the underground parking. HOTELS Hotel rooms are in great demand in San Francisco. We are still holding some rooms at the Harbor Court Hotel but we will release these by Monday, so make your reservation today. Information on this and other hotel options can be found at: http://www.ccon.org/conf97/hotels.html YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE A PRESS STATEMENT There will be healthy media coverage of Avatars 97 and Wendy Sue Noah, our Media Coordinator, will be set up with press in Room 4 on the second floor of our conference location. She has offered speakers the option to supply short (500 word) one page press statements. These will be printed and available to press in Room 4 on the 2nd floor. If you email them to Wendy Sue Noah (wendysue@pacbell.net) by Monday, October 20th at 4pm, they will be included in the room handouts. If you do not get it to her before then, please feel free to print out your statement and bring some quantities to the press room (room 4 on the 2nd floor). If you have a product, project, story about virtual worlds or other interesting statement you would like all these media folks to digest, send it to Wendy Sue Noah as text in an email to wendysue@pacbell.net. Include your contact information at the beginning of your statement. Press will be wanting to interview select speakers. Check in with Wendy Sue Noah by email now (wendysue@pacbell.net) or check in with her in Room 4 on the 2nd floor at the conference if you need to hook up with a press contact or if you would like the media to know you are available for interviews. KEY THEMES TO CONSIDER: its your place in the history of Cyberspace This is going to be an exciting event and a significant one in the history of Cyberspace. Just consider some of the key issues and themes we are looking at in the program: o What is Cyberspace going to look like when we move beyond the Web (when it becomes a place rather than just an interface)? o How far are we along the road to a true experiential, inhabited cyberspace? o What is your relationship with your virtual identity? o What are some of the 400,000 users of online virtual worlds doing in there? o How do we design worlds that draw people back? o Hollywood and retail chains make their appearence in avatar cyberspace! o How you build the infrastructure for the inhabited multi user Internet in the 21st Century? o How do we pay for the development of virtual worlds and their communities? Thank you all for presenting at Avatars 97 and making this event possible. Through your participation, you are becoming part of the history of Cyberspace! See you on Wednesday! Bruce Damer Chair, Avatars 97 cc: Conference Team![]()
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