24 Hours On The Palace VI is literally a 24 hour long tour of 48 Palaces from the US, Canada, Brazil, Japan, Austria, Russia, Singapore, Australia, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Mexico, France, Italy, Portugal, the UK, Malaysia and more! Guided tours will direct armchair travellers around the globe to Palaces that reflect the unique individuality of various regions, people and places. Special link rooms also highlight our Honorable Mentions Palace sites and outstanding Palace Hubs worldwide. To join the tour, follow the links at XMission or visit our web site at www.24hoursonthepalace.org. This virtual world tour is a Palace tradition dating back to 1996, so we hope to see all of you there!
The Palace client teleport to XMission:
If you don't have The Palace client, you can still visit XMission with a java-enabled web browser by going to XMission's InstantPalace page.
Visit the 24 Hours On The Palace 5 Memories page for views of last year's event, including a poetic tour through each of the sites featured.