Women Entering Avatar and Virtual Environments
WEAVE NEWS: the group is getting restarted under
the guidance of new SIG chair Teresa L. Rivera
Sign up for the brand new WEAVE discussions by clicking here
watch for updates to this site soon
(logo designed by NONOBADKITTY)Thank you for your interest in WEAVE. Join us as we weave our way, with influential force, into the 21st century and into the future of 2-D, 2 1/2-D, and 3-D virtual Avatar Cyberspace. We have a tremendous opportunity to make a significant difference for the future of global communication -- today, as there is no cyber-glass ceiling (yet?). Our creative, intellectual and intuitive input is essential to the communal development of this new medium. We need women with vision, open minds and hearts, and a creative collaborative spirit. In particular, we are looking for volunteers to be a part of the core team and assist us with administration, web building, and graphics.
We also welcome men who are sincerely interested in joining WEAVE for the great purpose of combining and sharing their skills and talents. Let's join forces in order to make this cyberspace a better and more genuine place to be in - together - as one.
Here is an observation (and comparison) about weaving in the Huichol Indian Culture:
"A weaver conceives new designs through dreams, visions and study. Through the process of weaving, a woman achieves a deeper understanding of her physical, social and spiritual world."Please contact the WEAVE chairperson Teresa L. Rivera with any interest, questions or brilliant ideas.
- Our first meeting, on February 13th, 1997!
- WEAVE meeting on 4/17/97 - overview of several virtual worlds, including The Palace, Alpha Worlds and Worlds Away's Dreamscape.
- WEAVE's first prime time interview in Hewlett Packard's June web zine!
- WEA'VE also been partnered with a women's European site, Face Settings , which is a CROSS_PLATFORM_FORUM to develop and explore the interests and needs of "women online".
- The North Bay Multimedia Association (NBMA) has also provided a link for WEAVE under *other sites of interest*.
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Comments/Bad Links/Etc. to WEAVE WebGoddess Beth Scannell
Web Design by Beth and Henry at KETHER.COM