San Francisco
Oct 26 and 27, 1996
E2A Extended Bios
Mondo 2000 magazine, Berkeley, California
Mondo 2000 is a technology, culture, and art focus publication with a worldwide circulation of 100,000. Particular attention has been aimed at such subjects as virtual reality, in- teractive media, educational and cultural implications of newly developing computer and communication technologies, scientific discoveries and developments that have far reaching sociological, cultural, and political implications, and related topics. In particular, the author has written considerable content on such topics as nanotechnology, mind/machine interface, the quasi-organic attributes of the global internet system, and a broad range of other current and future technologies, not only from a purely scientific or technical perspective, but also with an eye towards the cultural implications and global socialogical affects that will result from these various scientific developments.Nanothinc is a web based content provider, the mission of which is to attract a broad global audience and provide a multimedia rich interactive forum compelling nanotechnology related information services, information, research resources, and edutainment. A very diverse range of material is maintained and updated here reflecting continual ongoing research into current nanotechnology related developments, such as engineered materials, nanoscale electronic devices, self organizing/ self assmebling materials and molecular component systems, molecular computing, and related aspects of current and near future applications development. Also, considerable written materials and technical papers have been rendered and posted on the site, and ongoing editorial obligations include several nanotechnology related columns, most recently consisting of journals on the topics of biocomputing, and biomolecular "logic" and machine systems.
Additionally, a variety of renderings and dynamic models of various synthetic environment "nanoworlds" and nano domain realms have been developed, as part of an ongoing investigation into the behavioral and visual modelling of such nano component systems.
Published on this site are numerous technical and "popular interest" papers on the topics of nanotechnology. Not only are the technical aspects of various scientific and industrial "revolutions" which will be implemented by the realization of the "nanotechnology age" discussed in detail, but also its compelling potential for reshaping the very fabric of society, socio-economic systems, and life itself, as it is understood to be today.
Author/Technical editor, Midnight Engineering magazine Rocky Ford, Colorado
Midnight Engineering magazine is a bi-monthly technical trade journal with a national circulation of 50,000. The focus is primarily towards the entrepreneurial engineering, technology development community, particularly in the areas of software development, custom computer system applications, and related topics. The author has written extensively on general subjects ranging from virtual reality, 3D rendering techniques, artificial intelligence and nerual net computing systems, to "exotic" materials, virtual reality, robotics, and recent developments in nanotechnology, including the creation of models of virtual nano-environments, molecular assembly components and component systems, self replicating and self modifying molecular "machines", quasi-viral components and pseudo- organelles.To date, the author has published numerous papers and presented talks on topics such as the internet as an organism, synthetic sentience, virtual asset based commodities in a virtual teraform based economic system, nanotechnology and the invokation of rapture, and various other related aspects of this rapidly evolving realm.
Books and other online publications by Charles Ostman
CyberLife ISBN# 0-672-30491-0
Sams, a division of McMillan Publishing
New York, New York
This book is currently in circulation in most major book stores, and is a compendium of various papers and sections covering a range of current and future technologies and scientific topics. The section contributed by the author contains a series of papers on various aspects of nanotechnology, specifically in the realms of molecular computing, biomolecular "devices" and artificial pseudo organisms, and cybernetic enhancements of the human body.Author
Secrets ISBN# 0-936085-33-9
Blue Heron Press
HillsBoro, Oregon
This book, just released and in circulation now, contains essays and papers on the general topic of "how a culture sublimates the things that seem to threaten the established order, creating secrets kept by individuals as well as institutions". The author's writings in this publication delve into the technical, and operational details of the marketing of personal data as a commodity, the involuntary emmersion of the general population into a ubiquitous, universal data grid as a cultural "norm", artificial intelligence applied to surveillance and monitoring processes, and related topics.Currently, various works authored have been published online at:
21st Century Online
This is the MicroSoft NetWork's most frequently visited online webzine which features articles and technical papers from many of the leading current technology, sociology, and "futurist" writers and scientific authorities.
Work experience began with 8 years at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and other sites in the national laboratory system, which included work with Dr. David Johnson (founder of TiNi Al- loy, inc.) on the early development of shape changing alloys and their applications. Also included was a variety of other specialized hardware development programs, for applications ranging from alternative energy research to physics related electronics and hardware systems. This was followed by the cumulative 14 years of work experience at the microwave systems development lab at GTE Lenkurt, optical recognition and machine vision related hardware development at Integrated Automation (div of Litton Industries), electronic hardware design at the DroidWorks (then a division at Lucas Films), and a variety of independantly supported technical development projects. Additionally, the author had co-developed electronic and electro- optical components for an intracellular opthamological surgery laser system at Pheonix Laser, and synaptical simulation electronics and an optical correlation neural net-like computing system with Dr. Scott Davis at U.C. Berkeley. The author's 20+ year work history and combined experience in physics, specialized materials, electronic hardware development, computer science, and media content development has provided a unique perspective to provide something of an "insider's view" of much the technical and scientific developments which will have significant social, economic, cultural, and political implica- tions in the near future.
Wes Thomas, writes as Web Review's popular Web Addict , and Inside The Internet's resident Web Fanatic. The Web Fanatic rants and raves about the hottest new Web technology at http://www.cobb.com/webfan/index.htm and http://webreview.com/addict/Writing from somewhere in the Northern California redwoods, Wes' eclectic background includes gigs as aerospace human factors engineer, senior systems analyst, radio producer, jazz musician, editor of the eccentric Mondo 2000 magazine, and computer-industry publicist for clients ranging from Bill Gates to Timothy Leary.
Julia Gilden is the creator of Wildcat Words, which began 5 years ago as a multi-genre (journalist,poet, Internet, film, etc) political spoken word series to advertise the National Writers' Union, a national union of freelance writers. It is also sponsored by Western Public Radio (and has been exerpted for radio), and several local bookstores and progressive organizations. She is working on taking it online, adding input from writers around the world and adding a live chat. She also writes for RealAudio (TimeCast and WebActive), Netguide Live, and c|net.Moses Ma
Founder, Velocity Inc.
Moses Ma is noted as an Internet visionary within the computer games industry, and was the designer/developer of a number of critically acclaimed games, including Spectre VR, the world's first commerically successful fast action network game. He was the founder of Velocity Inc., and in that capacity, built an uncapitalized startup into the 97th largest, 7th fastest growing, and 11th most profitable in the country, according to the 1993 SoftLetter 100 rankings. He was the original inspiration for the Universal Avatars specification, and is currently starting a new "Internet pure play" venture in the emerging socialization-based entertainment sector.Moses has a rich and diverse background spanning academia, science, technology, philosophy and business. Schooled in both theoretical physics (Caltech) and Taoist meditation (Complete Reality System), he became hopelessly unemployable until he discovered computer games. He has led strategic R&D projects in advanced entertainment technologies, multimedia, networking, artificial intelligence, cellular automata, TQM and re-engineering technologies, and one-to-one marketing. His primary goal is to achieve balance and happiness in life and encourages every one of you to take time to smell the roses on your way to that IPO. He is also an unproduced and frustrated screenwriter (film producers please take note.)
Interested parties may send email to Moses at moses@velo.com.
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