- Jan 2: Interview with Bruce Damer on Avatars and his book appeared in the Kamloops Daily News in Kamloops, B.C. Canada
- January 9: Bruce Damer was signing books at PeachPit Press during the MacWorld convention, San Francisco.
- January 9: Was the 10th annual Digital Be-in in San Francisco.
- January 18: Bruce Damer was featured on Technation with Moira Gunn on KQED Radio 88.5FM (and nationwide on National Public Radio).
- January 28-31: Was Medicine Meets Virtual Reality: 6 in San Diego, California.
- February 9-10: Bruce Damer and Galen Brandt presented virtual worlds and Consortium projects at the Human Interface Technology Laboratory at the University of Washington, Seattle.
- February 10: Bruce Damer and Galen Brandt presented virtual worlds and Consortium projects at Microsoft Corporation Virtual Worlds Group in Redmond, Washington.
- February 16, 1998 Interview with host Kim Danders on KPFA's Computer show Program will be heard in Berkeley CA on 94.1FM and elsewhere on the dial nationwide on the Pacifica network radio stations.
- Feb 16-19: Is VRML98 Symposium in Monterey, CA. Where Biota.org will be presenting a workshop.
- Feb 24-March 1: Is a Connected Intelligence Workshop at the Tecnopolo Madeira, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. This will be the formation event for the International Academy for Networked Arts and Technologies (IANAT).
- March 6-8: Is CONTACT XV!, see our CONTACT page
- April 1: Was the Avatar Fools Day party hosted by Bonnie DeVarco and her UC Santa Cruz contingent in Santa Cruz California.
- April 3-5: Was Contemplating the End of History: True Hallucinations and Virtual Reality, hosted by Terence McKenna at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California.
- April 18-23: Was CHI98 in Los Angeles, CA where the Consortium engaged in a live avatar appearance in a VirtualBorders Book Store for a workshop on e-commerce.
- May 7: Was Director Bruce Damer's class on Avatars and Virtual Worlds, part of Bonnie DeVarco's virtual communities course at Porter College, on the beautiful campus of UC Santa Cruz.
- May 11: Was Bruce Damer's presentation to the human factors group at NASA Ames, Moffet Field, CA. This session was open to the public, click here for a full description of the session.
- May 29: Was the grand opening of Conversations With Angels, and exciting VRML 2.0 world with conversational bots.
- May 30-June 2: Was the User Group Conference by Persetel Q-Data Africa in Natal, South Africa, where Director Bruce Damer presented a session on the subject of 40 years on.....and now in the fast lane.
- June 18: Was Bruce Damer's next presentation at the NAS facitlity at NASA Ames, Moffet Field, CA. This session was open to the public, for a review of what was covered, visit May's session.
- June 16-18: Was Virtual Humans III at the Universal City Hilton, Los Angeles, CA.
- June 16-18: Was Virtual Environments '98 Conference & 4th Eurographics Workshop in Stuttgart, Germany
- June 20: Was the Contact Consortium Annual Meeting, Scotts Valley CA.
- June 26-29: Was the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life in Los Angeles CA where Biota.org presented a very well received workshop on the afternoon of June 26th, titled Nerve Garden, a Public Terrarium in Cyberspace.
- July 1-3: Was The First International Conference on Virtual Worlds in Paris, France. The Contact Consortium presented for its special interest group Biota.org, the paper Nerve Garden: a Public Terrarium in Cyberspace as well as a special demontration session on the medium of net-based virtual worlds.
- July 12-16: Was SCI ´98/ISAS ´98, Systems, Cybernetics and Informatics in Orlando, FL
- July 17-19: Was Cyberconf7 in Budapest, Hungary.
- July 19-24: Was SIGGRAPH 98 in Orlando, FL, don't miss it!
- July 23-26: Was The Reunion, the first international IRL (In Real Life) of Active Worlds avatar citizens. A seminal event for virtual worlds, July 23-26 1998 at the Monte Carlo Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- July 25-27: Was AVATAR! AVATAR! Wherefore art thou? Art, Software Design and the Science of Identity at the Banff Centre for the Arts, Alberta, Canada.
- Sept 7-12: Was the festival Ars Electronica, in Linz Austria. This year's theme was INFOWAR. Biota.org won an honorable mention in the .net category for Nerve Garden.
- All Fall: Events and performances in San Francisco by the New Minds Forum!
- September 10-13: Was Digital Biota II, the second annual conference on cyberbiology at Magdalene College in Cambridge, UK. Sponsored by Cyberlife, The Contact Consortium and its special interest grouup Biota.org. Richard Dawkins and others keynoted. For last year's event, see the Digital Burgess pages.
- September 24: was Web98, where Bruce Damer and Rick Noll presented a roundtable on inhabited virtual worlds, Boston MA, Hynes Convention Center.
- October 13: Bruce Damer presented a keynote at the University of Washington HIT Lab for the Virtual Worlds Consoritum annual meeting, Seattle Washington.
- October 20: Bruce Damer presented at the VRML SIG, Silicon Graphics, Mountain View CA.
- All Fall: Were events and performances in San Francisco by the New Minds Forum!
- Nov 14-18: WasCSCW 98 The 1998 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Seattle, WA
Avatars 98 Report!!
- November 21 1998: Was Avatars 98 *inside cyberspace and everywhere*! Read the conference report!
- Nov 26-28: Was Doors of Perception 5 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
- Nov 30-Dec3: Was CASCON '98 the IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Conference, in Toronto Ontario Canada where Director Bruce Damer presented a plenary keynote session and co-hosted a workshop with Stephen Perelgut and Brian Alger on virtual communities with some examples in support of pedagogy and electronic commerce.
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