2000 Events Archive
(in chronological order)Year 2000 Contact Consortium Conferences
Avatars2000 happened Oct 15, 2000: read our Conference Report! Sign up for Avatars2001 by joining our Avatars Mailing List Vlearn3D 2000 Was Oct 13-14, 2000, conference report here
- January 23-27: Was the 2000 Western Multiconference in San Diego CA where the Contact Consortium was to have presented a special demo based on the paper by Damer, de Bruin(s) and Gold on Conferences and Trade Shows in Inhabited Virtual Worlds A Case Study of AVATARS98 as part of the VWSIM 2000 sub-conference. on Monday January 23rd, 8:30am -10:00am.
- Janurary 27-30: Was the 8th annual Medicine Meets VR 2000 at the Newport Beach Marriott, California, the foremost international conference on interactive technology in healthcare. This event often features virtual worlds, avatars and virtual humans along with telemedecine, imaging, and immersive VR.
- February 21-24: Is the Web3D/VRML 200 Symposium in Monterey California. The Consortium has sumbitted the Avatars99 project to the Web3D roundup and will be presenting on a panel.
- March 3-5: Is CONTACT 2000, the 17th annual conference of CONTACT COTI (Cultures Of The Imagination), the grandfather organization of the Contact Consortium. This is a truly unique conference bringing together anthropologists, space scientists, science fiction writers and others at the Biltmore Hotel and Suites in Santa Clara. This year's dinner keynote speaker will be Octavia E. Butler. During this event, the Contact Consortium will present a special session on the Avatars99 cyberconference, the V-Learn initiative, and the Moon world reenactment of the Apollo XI landings. On Friday March 3rd will be a day at NASA Ames Research Center exploring Artificial Intelligence: What is the nature of Artificial Intelligence? How does it compare with biological intelligence? What do Earth analogues tell us? If SETI is successful, will we be able to tell which kind of extraterrestrial intelligence we have encountered? Would it matter? What might an AI civilization be like? Would it be antagonistic, compatible or even synergistic with ours? These, and many other provocative questions, will be the focus of the daylong Ames Seminar, organized by NASA AI specialist Michael Sims.
- March 8-12: Was the Computer Game Developer's Conference in San Jose California, see what's new in online multiplayer gaming worlds.
- May 18-21: Was the Laval Virtual Conference in Laval, France, a major forum for the international scientific and professional exchanges regarding Virtual Reality. Jan and Dirk-Jan de Bruin presented as session on virtual organizations and cyberconferences.
- Apr 1-6: Was CHI 2000 in The Hague, the Netherlands. A conference devoted to Computer Human Interface issues, with some coverage of virtual communities.
- Apr 12: Was Virtual Realty: Design and Architecture for Virtual Space at the Boston Architectural Center from 2pm to 7pm.
- Apr 30: Bruce Damer and Galen Brandt presented virtual worlds at the KnOwhere Store (MG Taylor) in Palo Alto to a group from Knight Ridder new media.
- May 8-9: Was VirComm 2000, the Conference for Virtual Community Professionals in San Francisco California.
- May 8-10: Was Euromedia 2000 in Antwerp, Belgium sponsored by the SCS. Jan and Dirk-Jan de Bruin presented as session on virtual organizations and cyberconferences.
- May 17-19: Was the Delphi Group Conference on Corporate Portals at Earl's Court, London U.K. Bruce Damer presented a keynote session on Wednesday May 17th from 10-11:00am assisted by Stuart Gold and Galen Brandt.
- June 2-4: The New Media Institute presented Growing Things at the Banff Centre for the Arts (Media and Visual Arts Programme) in Banff, Alberta Canada. Bruce Damer, Charles Ostman and other members of the Consortium Biota.org SIG presented. Speakers listed here. See Kent Patel's excellent pages on the Growing Things Summit including the day by day review here.
- June 14-16: Was the IEEE (Wetice) Workshop on KNOWLEDGE MEDIA NETWORKING at the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST), MD, USA.
- July 5-7: Was Virtual Worlds 2000 hosted by the International Institute of Mulimedia (Pôle Universitaire Léonard de Vinci) in Paris, France. This is the second in a series and is focused on virtual worlds with a component of Artificial Life. There is both a scientific and art show component to the event. Bruce Damer presented the opening session, reviewing results from two years of Avatars cyberconferences. Paper is linked here.
- June 30-July1: Was Digital Scenography at the University of Kent at Canterbury exploring the use of computer visualisation and virtual reality in the process of designing for performance, and in the performance event itself.
- July 20-23: Was the Reunion 2000 at the Ramada Conference Centre in Orlando Florida. This is the second annual "IRL" meeting of the citizens of the Active Worlds universes. There was another Reunion in San Francisco Aug 10-14 (see other listing here).
- Jul 23-28: Was SIGGRAPH 2000 in New Orleans LA featuring another Web3D Roundup.
- Aug 10-14: Was the West Coast Reunion, at the Clarion Hotel in Millbrae (near San Francisco). This is the second annual "IRL" meeting of the citizens of the Active Worlds universes. There was another Reunion in Orlando July 20-23 (see other listing here).
- Aug 23-26: Was Consciousness Reframed 2000 at the Centre for Advanecd Inquiry in the Interactive Arts (CAiiA), University of Wales College, Newport, Wales, UK, hosted by CAiiA-STAR*. Bruce Damer presented on Friday virtually from California with Conference chair Roy Ascott in Wales. See the session abstract here.
- August 28-Sept 4: Was Burning Man 2000 at the Black Rock Desert in Northern Nevada. Never before was the virtual combined with the surreal physical on so vast a scale. See Bruce Damer's Burning Man 2000 Images and Bruce Damer's Burning Man 1999 images and documentation.
- Sept 10-12: Was Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE) 2000 in San Francisco California. Bruce Damer, Bonnie deVarco, Margaret Corbit, Stuart Gold, Alex Grigny and other Consortium members participated, Bruce presented a dinner keynote address.
- Sept 14-15: Was the Highlands Forum XV in Carmel California. Bruce Damer participated in a special event on the future of software in a networked environment with policy and planning specialists from the DOD/Pentagon. Organized by the Highlands Group. Note: this event was by invitation only.
- Sept 20-22: Was DIGITAL FUSION: Jackson Hole Symposium 2000 where Bruce Damer presented virtually to a panel chaired by the Steve Burns of the Discovery Channel and hosted by Jeannine Parker. The panel was called DECONSTRUCTING TRADITIONAL MODELS, II— PARTICIPATIVE AND SHARED MEDIA.
- Oct 5: Was America's Kids Connect, (formerly Minnesota Net Day) where multiuser virtual worlds were featured.
- Oct 6: Bruce Damer and Galen Brandt presented at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.
- Oct 13-14: Was VLearn3D 2000 held by the Vlearn3D.org SIG of the Contact Consortium with live events at UC Santa Cruz, Cornell University and other locations.
was held on Oct 14-15!
- October 14-15: Was Avatars2000 combined with VLearn3D 2000 and Tech Innovation 2000. Read about last year's event at Avatars99, Colonizing Cyberspace, To get information about "AV00" or upcoming conferences such as Avatars2001, sign up on the Avatars conference mailing list. Four years of previous conferences are covered here.
- November 13-17: Bruce Damer and the DigitalSpace team presented a special session on business to busines trading communities at Fall COMDEX in Las Vegas with the DelphiGroup. A special session on making the Corporate Portal more human through Inhabitation featured live virtual worlds serving the B2B and B2C communities. See the paper from the May London Corporate Portals conference for a backgrounder on this material.
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